Press clips
U.S.A.Antelope Valley Press »After last year's East Coast tour, the group returned to the United States for its series of shows on the West Coast that included stops in Arizona and Southern California.« Valley Verde Newspapers »Gülay, who sings and dances, has a fantastic soprano voice and sings songs in 20 different languages ...« New York Concert Review » in arrangements that made use of some of the wonderful things unique to the western musical tradition. The performances were spirited and musical...« Green Man Review » hour of delightful listening...« RussiaMegapolis-Express »The voice of the singer is extraordinarily soft and harmonious.« GermanyRheingau-Echo »...exotic sounds from Far East...« Wiesbadener Kurier »...sounds very archaic and strange but neverless it is so impressive and natural, that you dive in this musical world with pleasure...« Die Zeit »In particular iridescent are the Austrians with their singer coming from Turkey, an genuine Viennese flautist and a drummer with an Israeli passport who was born in Russia.« TurkeyOlay »...the audience was enchanted by them...« |
AustriaKleine Zeitung »You would have to make a long journey and to be very lucky, if you want to hear this marvellous music in that high quality.« Die Presse »...a concert of The Ensemble Aras & Gülay, worth to see...with the marvellous music from the peoples of the Silk Road...« Kronen Zeitung »It starts with beguiling sounds from those regions which took the mysterious Silk Road in the past.« Tiroler Tageszeitung »...magic of the and dance fuses together into a syntesis of the arts...« Falter »...musical meetings between some Oriental areas and the West...« Wiener Zeitung »...very impressive are the laments performed by soprano Gülay...« Die Presse »Singer Gülay fascinates with her harmonious and mellow soprano voice.« Der Standard »...they convey a musical journey along the Silk Road...« Unser Wien »..mysterious world of the East...« Wiener Zeitung »In his arrangements Josef Olt avoids academic strictness as well as folkloric triviality. He succeeds in conveying a feeling about the range of Oriental music to the European audience.« Das Fenster »This is not banal light music...historically based and tasteful...singer and dancer is beautiful Gülay...for years the audience is enthusiastic about her...« |
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